Avree Wallace

Sweet Avree Wallace.

Avree Wallace was born a micro preemie. She is no stranger to fighting battles. Avree is strong, outgoing and definitely a go getter.

Avree was diagnosed with Bilateral retinoblastoma before age one. She went through intensive treatment, radiation, surgeries, the removal of her eye, and chemotherapy injections in her eyes.

Avree’s mom, Rachel is so courageous in Avree’s fight and as a childhood cancer mom. She’s struggled through two micro preemies and their medical challenges, a young wife who recently lost the love of her life. Her husband J.R. had a tragic accident and passed away. Rachel has somehow held such strength and courage throughout this difficult journey. The love, support and prayers of her friends, family and community have surrounded her over the past year. SweetWater Foundation will forever be her biggest fan.

Avree’s birthday is in the month of March!


Rachel Nicholas, You’re loved! We are here to support you.